The Economic Importance of the Weathering Materials Resulting from Volcanic-Sedimentary Rocks in the Middle Part of the Syrian Coast

Abstract in English

The importance of this scientific research stems from the increasing demand for building materials, especially the materials involved in concrete industry. The attention was directed towards finding alternative locations for primary oresin addition to the process of reconstructing old mines as the continues inequitable taking of these materials will eventually result in wasting those resources losing them before using them in an economical suitable way. We have defined the hope positions in the areas of Banias and Tartous. We can say that deterioration of volcanic products in those areaswas a direct result of suitable climatic circumstances which were predominant (weathering process, deterioration, physical erosion, and chemical like wetness, wind, rain, temperature, and surface water streaming). The tectonic which attacked those formations later served to boost the weathering and erosion degree so that it became more effective for the production of some oxides such as (calcium oxide, iron oxide, aluminum oxide, deterioration of rock components, and concentration of clay) asplain strataof clay deterioration according to geochemical analyses conducted in this research.

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