The near relative equilibrium positions to Lagrange equilibrium positions for two punctual bodies and non-punctual body

Abstract in English

In this research, we went into case of relative equilibrium for two punctual bodies and non-punctual rigid body. We supposed that the bodies are isolated and they revolve around their common center of mass. We cared with the case which in the rigid body is tight or pressured sphere, and its symmetry plane is motion plane of the two punctual bodies. We looked for the near relative equilibrium positions of Lagrange points, we found that there are relative equilibrium positions when centers of three bodies' masses are heads of isosceles triangle, its vertex is center of spherical body's mass, and near of Lagrange triangle which is equilateral triangle. In mentioned relative positions, we showed that the spherical body will get near from the two punctual bodies if it's pressured and it will move away from them if it's tight.

References used

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Mauri Valtonen and Hannu Karttunen, ‘The three – body problem’, Cambridge, 2005
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