The People guarantees of Rights and Public freedoms

Abstract in English

We reviewed in this research the People guarantees of rights and public freedoms, whereas public opinion is an essential safeguard against the tyranny of the ruling authorities or exit on the legal rules, and the resistance of individuals to the tyranny of the ruling authorities is an important guarantee can be invoked as a social reaction to the breach of the constitutional rule and fundamental rights and freedoms, We concluded that the People guarantees are necessary, Because the legal guarantees are just relative guarantees, and can't guarantee the protection of a good stand-alone force of constitutional rules, As a result, It isn't enough for the maintenance of public rights and freedoms.

References used

الأسود, د. صادق, سنة 1990, الرأي العام و الإعلام, بغداد, ص 151-152
البحري, د. حسن , سنة 2009, القانون الدستوري, النظرية العامة, دمشق , الجامعة الافتراضية السورية , الطبعة الاولى.
