Penal protection of the feud of the impact of Publishing

Abstract in English

To ensure the neutrality and impartiality of the judiciary depends not only on the commitment of carers by the principles of law and the good-aligned and without another party, but that the proper application of legal justice is sometimes subject to lack immune would influence them so that power is exercised its functions without any interference or influence by others, especially the media, since the latter exercises its functions on the basis of their right to freedom of information guaranteed by the Syrian Constitution promulgated by legislative decree/94/28/2/2012 article 42 thereof, , Posted what it considers constitutional exercise while the exercise of this right to influence judicial justice, and hence had to be legitimate lines of media freedom and lack of arbitrariness in the exercise of their right to through its impact on the smooth functioning of Justice. so learn whether the Syrian legislature has taken to achieve effective penal protection of information deployment impact litigation.

References used

Gabriel Bestard 1997:le traitement des affaires judiciaries en cours d ‘enquete par la presse in droit a l‘information du public et justice penale-Dalloz.p.115
Gaetan Di marino .liberte de la presse et droit penal-XII journees de l‘association francaise de droit penal presses universitaires d‘AIX-Marseille 1994.rapport introductive .p21
-Jean – Yves. Monfort la publication d‘informations interdites et le process in droit a l‘information du public et justice penal.p.106
