The role of parent councils in activating the relationship between the family and the school from the viewpoint grade teachers in the schools of the city of Homs

Abstract in English

The current study aimed to know the roleTopresent study aimed to identify the role of parent councils in activating the relationship between the family and the school from the viewpoint of the first episode parameters. The researcher relied on the descriptive analytical method and the Questionnaire Directed to teachers was used (prepared by the researcher) as a tool for verification of research ُs hypotheses. Therese arch sample has been formed from (60) teachers, which selected randomly from Kindergartens which apply the parent councils in the Directorate of Education of Homs, so the selected teachers were from (26) kindergartens in city Homs., and the results were analyzed using Analysis of Variance Test (ANOVA) and (TTest) to measure the significance of the differences.

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