Abnormal Family Climate, some familial factors, and its relationship to the Neuroticism among Public High School Students in Homs City "A Field Study on a Sample of Public High School Students in Homs City
published by Aِl-Baath University
in 2015
and research's language is
Abstract in English
The present study aimed at revealing the relationship between
abnormal Family climate and some familial factors, as
economic level of the family and educational level of the father
and mother, to the Neuroticism among Public High School
Students in Homs City. The sample of study consists of 290
students in some Public High School Students in Homs City.
The researcher had used the following tools: The test of
(abnormal Family climate) which Mario Rahhal had designed
and the present researcher had re-normalized it to High School
Students. And the scale of (Neuroticism) from the junior
Eysenck personality Questionnaire which the present
researcher had re-normalized it to High School Students.
References used
Bell, Linda G. Bell, David C & Nakata, Yojiro. (2001): Triangulation and Adolescent development in the U.S. and Japan. Family process, vol 40, No 2, , pp 173-186
16-Bwen, M. (1994): "Family therapy in clinical practice", Jason Aronson. Inc. New Jersey
Eysenck. H.J (1990): Biological dimensions of personality. In l, A. Pervin (Ed), Handbook of personality: theory and research (pp. 244-276), New York, Guilford