Future Role of Lattakia and Tartous Seaports As Multimodal Transport Bases in the Arab Orient

Abstract in English

This research concerns the future role of Latakia and Tartous seaports as bases of multimodal transport system in the Arab orient, the importance of the project is stemmed from the genuine strategic geographical location of Syria, assuming that this location could serve the future role of the Latakia and Tartous seaports as multimodal transport base in the Arab orient , as it is linked the Syrian hinterland through the land transport and rail road transport networks , which are extended to Iraq , from Iraq it extends to Iran to the east , Kuwait and Arabian Gulf to the south , the research problem concerns the absence of such multimodal system and the country regions do not make benefit from its economies , the research illustrated some of the relevant international conventions on multimodal transport concerning the transit of cargo and containers across countries , it also described the land transport and railroad transport across Iraq as it is the main hinterland state for Latakia and Tartous , the research concluded that the legislative and organizational framework could be applied to the proposed hypothesized project for Latakia and Tartous, it also concluded that the transport infrastructure could positively participate to the project despite the current deterioration in its technical and operational conditions due to the political events in the region , among the most important recommendations , for the mentioned countries to join the relevant international conventions or hold bilateral or multilateral conventions on multimodal transport , moreover , working on the improvement and development of land and railroad transport in the region for achieving multimodal transport high performance.

References used

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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 1980
