Violence against women, causes, and methods of treatment

Abstract in English

Women is the half of society, which born and grow the second half, so take-up the oppression on women men to take-up it on whole society , because the women is the whole society, so the freedom of women is the freedom of country and human, where the thrall mother cannot born freedom child , and sick mother cannot born healthy body, and mind child, so we must be attention toward necessary care of women ,and create suitable climant ,which help her to egress from the crucible of blindness, and darkness toward the court of science , and light supply the suitable circumstance, which command her to developed herself , and subsequently to developed the whole society, so man must stop to uses the Violence against women, because these thing disrupt her capability to life, and to feel her dignity, and humanity, but if he did not belief in these thing ,so we must constraint him by all possible procedure ,or methods.

References used

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