Absolute Values; Its Knowledge and Ideological Dimensions

Abstract in English

This research deals with values through studying opinions of philosophers who consider that values are absolute ,and compare it with opinions of philosophers who consider that values are relative. Then, the research analyzes and criticizes opinions and arguments of the two parts to discover their knowledge ,and ideological deep roots . After that, it seems that philosophers who assert that values are absolute reflect conservative ideology , and want to fix social reality to serve their concerns; while philosophers who assert that values are relative reflect progressive ideology, and want to change social reality . This research also clarifies that philosophers and thinkers of absolute values believe in absolute facts and knowledge; while philosophers and thinkers of relative values believe in relative facts and knowledge.

References used

ابراهيم، زكريا، المشكلة الخلقية، مكتبة مصر، القاهرة، د. ت.
مطر، أميرة حلمي، جمهورية أفلاطون، مكتبة الأسرة، القاهرة، 1994
العوا، عادل، العمدة في فلسفة القيم، دار طلاس، دمشق، 1986
