The liquidity between the traditional view and alternative concepts An Empirical Study of the Syrian Arab Republic

Abstract in English

This research aims at studying and analyzing the traditional liquidity measures (Current ratio, quick ratio), and alternative liquidity measures (cash conversion cycle, the ratio of net balance of fluid), in order to assess the information provided about the entity's ability to repay short-term financial obligations from operating cash flows in a sample of establishments listed in the stock of the Syrian Commission on Financial Markets. The results of the comparative analysis and logistic regression showed that the alternative measures are considered better than conventional measures, regarding the accuracy of the information provided about the ability of an entity to repay short-term obligations. It was found also that the traditional measures can indicate a good level of liquidity, according to the traditional concept and in spite of the non-established ability to repay current liabilities by operating cash flow, it was noted that the relative decline in the conversion of cash and the relative rise in the ratio of net liquid balance cycle may be associated with a rise in the proportion of operating cash flow to current liabilities.

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