Monetary Ideas at Maqrizi in his Book Islamic Money labeled "Shozour" Contracts to Mention the Money

Abstract in English

This research deals with economic ideas and monetary at Makrisi that contribute to addressing the economic crisis and achieve monetary, economic and social stability. The study aimed to highlight the importance of critical thinking at Makrisi and leadership and was preceded by the Western thinkers in the field of analysis of the economic crisis in terms of monetary. The results showed that the economic thought and the monetary is not the product of Western but Arab Muslims contributed effectively in the development of foundations and theories, and was Makrisi race in laying the foundations of The quantity theory of money and currency law that expels bad from the good currency trading error attributed to Thomas Grisham. The study also found that the solution to any economic crisis depends on a fundamental aspect of it to handle monetary and reform in the public administration.

References used

R.BREALEY et S. MYERS, Principes de gestion financiere, Pearson Eduction, 7 edition,2003
C.D. ECHAUDEMAISOM, Dictionnaire d'Economie et de la sciences socials, Nathan, 1996
فكري أحمد نعمان ( 1985 )، النظرية الاقتصادية في الإسلام، دار القلم، دبي.
