Development scenario of water managing in the Snobar River Basin by using WEAP

Abstract in English

Snobar River is the basic water resource system in Snobar watershed (268.8 km2), which empties into the Mediterranean sea 10 kilometers south of Lattakia. We must find out advanced management to face of the recent serious conflicts such as climate changes. Modeling is adopted as appropriate tool to achieve this object. This study uses the software package WEAP21 (Water Evaluation and Planning System), which is specifically designed to evaluate and plan the water resources. We suggest two scenarios to carry out the weaping Snob arriver basin: the first includes new irrigation techniques, the second includes extended dry climate. The study has shown that demand site coverage reaches to 100%, but the river dries in the downstream of Athwart reservoir. We economize on water by suggestion a dripping irrigation technique (59%). Water year method and extended dry climate scenario declare the likely dangerous effects of climate changes.

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