Performance Analysis of Integrated Navigation System INS/GPS/Mag. /Baro

Abstract in English

This article reviews the structure of an integrated navigation system made up of unit inertial sensors manufactured by MEMS technology, a GPS Receiver unit, magnetic compasses manufactured by MEMS technology, and a high barometric sensor. The integrated system is built using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). This reviewing is performed with the use of a closed-loop system that has simple integration namely the Loosely Coupling Integration. After conducting several air tests to collect real navigational data, antipersonnel navigational data has been used to do the integrated navigation system analysis with EKF environment in the software Matlab. It has been noticed after the analysis that the complementary horizontal navigation system error does not exceed 50 m. With deliberate withholding of GPS data for different periods in order to test the performance of the integrated navigation system in case of withholding the GPS signal, we have found that the integrated navigation system achieves good accuracy, where the horizontal error does not exceed 200 m value when the withholding GPS data for 120 seconds. This can be considered as small and acceptable values compared with the horizontal error value for inertial navigation unit stim300 when operating independently of up to 8200 m.

References used

Stephen Beeby, Graham Ensell, Michael Kraft and Neil White, 2004, "MEMS Mechanical Sensors", Artech House, Inc.Boston London
D. H. Titterton and J. L. Weston, 2004. "Strapdown Inertial Navigation Technology Second Edition", The Institution of Electrical Engineers
Paul D. Groves, 2008, "Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems" ARTECH HOUDE BOSTON/LONDON
