Tectonic indices of basaltic dykes orientation in the southern Syrian Coastal Range

Abstract in English

The study of volcanic dykes geometry in the southern Syrian coastal range shows that some of them are related to a tensional tectonic event, Albian dykes, and others are related to a strike-slip stress field like Pliocene dykes. Orientation of dykes is average between E-W to N-S with maximal direction of N 130- N 145. Drawing of strike-slip stress field depending upon dykes orientation shows important deviation in σ1 strike from NW-SE to E-W in the vicinity of Levant fault during Pliocene time (4.4-5.4My)

References used

AL ABDALLA, A. Evolution Tectonique de la Plate-forme Arabe en Syrie depuis le Mésozoïque. Thèse Doct. Université de Paris6. (2008),302p
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ANDERSON, A. The Dynamics of Faulting and Dyke Formation with Application to Britain, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1942, 206 p
