Damascus University Postgraduate Students’ Actual Use of Digital Libraries

Abstract in English

The aim of the research is to find out the usage reality of postgraduate students at Damascus University of digital libraries. In light of the variables:(Gender, Scientific major, getting training courses). The research methodology:A descriptive analyticalapproach. The researcher designed &prepared the research tool which is a questionnaire that was applied on a random sample consisting of (40) postgraduates (male & female) in different faculties of Damascus University. The study reached the following results: - There is a statistically significant difference at the significance level of (0,05)between the mean scores of postgraduate students in the faculties of Damascus University of the following variables: Concentration. -There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level of(0,05) between the mean scores of postgraduate students in the facultiesof Damascus University of the following variables: Gender. -There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level of (0,05)between the mean scores of postgraduate students in the colleges of Damascus University of the following variables: getting training courses.

References used

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