Modernity Contentious between Rooting and Innovation in the Arab Culture for Taha Abdul-Rahman

Abstract in English

This study tried to examine Taha Abdul-Rahman’s position towards thecontemporary Arab Thought in terms of detecting the extent of seriousness of the application of the modernity concept. Modernity in the Arab culture was stuck between several different ideological trends since the heritage of originality representsmaintaining of priorities for research in modernity. However, Taha Abdul-Rahman refuses arguments of Western modernityas a lesion to the Arab Thought and heritage, prompting him to build an intellectual project based on innovation within the Arab-Islamic culture. The starting point was the idea of the Arab deliberative field. To hit conclusions, suchresults and generalizations cannot be reliable since it only included rooting idiosyncratic side of the Arab culture. The research shows within this context that itcannot accept these results and generalizations because Taha Abdul-Rahman based on the primitive field which did not cover allthe areas of the Arabic heritage.

References used

عبد الرحمن، طه. العمل الديني وتجديد العقل. ط (ثانية)، بيروت: المركز الثقافي العربي، 1997
عبد الرحمن، طه. روح الحداثة. ط (أولى)، بيروت: المركز الثقافي العربي، 2006
