The Phenomenon of Virginity Between the Answer of Question Creativity & the of Acquisition

Abstract in English

Irrespective of the numerous readings that have closely attempted to identify a convincing interpretation to it, the phenomenon of virginity is still a case in point that dictates meditation. Each reading has thus relied on various procedural techniques that has disclosed its capability to uncover the secrets of such a phenomenon. Those studies have highlighted significant aspects of the phenomenon of virginity, introduced a spectrum of exegeses, each of which has scored some sort of success; but collectively revealed the extent of richness of this phenomenon more than uncovering its causes. Accordingly, each answer it proposed has triggered a question, or questions, up to the degree that virginity has appeared camouflaged by the obscurity of love itself, its charm and scale. This piece of research is an unpretentious attempt to contribute to reach a convincing, or at least an acceptable, interpretation to the phenomenon of virginity. Thus, it seeks to negotiate the exegeses introduced by the previous studies, in an attempt to scrutinize the bases that those studies relied on.

References used

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