"Voice,S Collocations, and Its Role in "Coherence" in The Narrative Text: (Ghadah Al-Samman,S" Beirut 75")

Abstract in English

The extended text, that contains much paragraphs, is built on parts. These are phrases, clauses, sentences. Text,s linguists try to pass sentence for the whole of text, but they don,t ignore considering that a sentence is the basis of analysis and interpretation. Collocations are a"micro semantic units" in a text, but grammatically they are sentences, phrases, or clauses. These structures are able to give the macro semantic units, which the producer intends to show to the receiver by several manners, or process, whereas, part refers to whole. Collocations may be a nucler topic storing the text,s macro semantic units, in one part, or contain correlating " themes" to reffier to it, in second part, or include connotations united to reffier to it, in third part. R.Barthes declared that producer is dead, and J.Kristiva said that text is opened , so receiver contributes in reproducing, according to his cultural background, knowledge of the world, and experiences. Our Study depended on "voice,scollocations", and its role in "Coherence" in Narrative Text:( Ghadah al-Samman,s "Beirut 75").

References used

WEBSTER ,M. Merriam- Webster,s Collegiate Dictionary .ed10, Massachusetts, 1999.1559
عبد العزيز, محمّد حسن . المصاحبة في التعّبير الّلغويّ . دار الفكر العربيّ, القاهرة, 1990 م, 100
