The Public and the French Crusade on Egypt, from Stating the French possession of Egypt Regions and Sham Area Written by Mr. Niqoula Al-Turk

Abstract in English

In spite of the presence of many Arabic and Western books written on the French crusade, showing causes, events and effects on Egyptian people and on the entire Arab nation, there are some aspects that need more research and inspection. One of the studies that attract my attention is the public in Egypt and their stand towards the French crusade. I depended on inspecting this stand from Islamic and western resources to show the different points of view from both sides. This research is a brief account about the author, he has grown up along with the crusade and Witnessed its events. The research presented the public stand from the crusade since it landed in Alexandria port till it reached Cairo. The research showed the resistant movement of the other Egyptian regions against the French occupiers. The Egyptian regions were not occupied easily as expected by the occupiers. The research presents complete information about Cairo revolution that was taken by the public people, which terrified the occupiers, compelling them to change their policy towards the Egyptians. The research showed the absence of Napoleon while he was attacking Sham area. He returned back defeated from Sham region. The research showed the feeling the people had when the Ottoman came to save Egypt from the occupiers and the stands of the public supporting Ottoman forces when entered Cairo or in defending French from coming back to Cairo in spite of the fires burning Cairo colonies and the terrifying deaths. Finally, the research showed the people great happiness to the agreement between the Ottomans and the French which implied the French departure from Egypt and the retuning of Egypt back to Higher State of the Ottomans.

References used

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بشور، أمل، حملة نابليون إلى الشرق، دراسة و تحقيق، جروس برس، طرابلس-لبنان، (1999)
