Symbol and Symbolism in the Plastic Arts

Abstract in English

This paper consists of the following elements: A - Introduction: includes an overview of symbolism, and the most important patrons, and common goals among them. B - The symbol and symbolism in Western culture: the researcher reviews the multiple perspectives in the definition of the symbol and its uses, and provides a definition of the code as mentioned in some dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as to the point of view of some philosophers. C - The objectives of symbolism: It is beyond reality and the achievement of other hidden meanings in addition to their quest for the convergence of art with other cultural activities, literary, musical, scientific and philosophical. D - Symbolism in plastic art: the researcher shows the history of its inception, its currents and the most important artists who have used the symbol and did not belong to it. In addition, it shows the artists who have paved the way for it. Finally it describes artists who influenced this concept and developed it.

References used

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