Analytical Study and Documentary of Architectural for the Corporation of Een Alfiga Building at Damascus

Abstract in English

The Corporation Een Alfiga Building Conceder one of the historic buildings which demonstrate the art of local architect , It was the product of local hands and reflected in a range of architectural features that emphasize the historical identity of the building, and its importance, and that through the study of architectural documentary which highlighting the most important of these characteristics of the building by studying the functional relationships between the floors, and try to develop the foundations architecture according to the stages of analysis, adopted the extraction ratios according the repetitive geometric Module had used by the designer in the projections and interfaces with the emergence of symmetry as an attribute of basic characterized projected regular and reflection on the interfaces down to study the size of the mass as a whole, with study the compatibility of the architectural Module with the construction Module of the building.

References used

علي الطنطاوي –دمشق صور من جمالها و عبر من نضالها.
Ali Altentawee –Damascus pitchers from its beauty and –Ideas from its fights
Alemran Magazine- The Regular management of the Corporation of Een Alfiga
