published by Damascus University
in 2011
and research's language is
Abstract in English
The aim of this research is to study a simplified approach for the design of low-noise bipolar
transimpedance preamplifiers for optical receivers. Analytical solutions for optimum biasing and
minimum equivalent input-noise current were derived. The study was achieved by doing comparison
between the designed circuits. The equivalent input noise current was calculated by entering the
parameters in Matlab program and using Multisim as a simulation tool to detect a pulse signal of 30ns
References used
Z. Bielecki, W. Kolosowski, R. Dufrene, and M. Borejko, "Low noise optical receiver" 11th GAAS Symposium- Munich 2003
G. Ghione, semiconductor devices for highspeed optoelectronics, Cambridge University press,2009
T. Ruostalainen. Integrated Receiver Channel Circuits & structures for a Pulsed Time-of- Flight Laser Radar. Academic dissertation, Oulo Univ. 1999