Interesting in the author right by the juridical person

Abstract in English

The juridical person enjoys all the rights of the natural person, except the rights that accompany the human being, according to the law. This person doesn't enjoy the rights of the natural person, because of the differences of themnature. jurists agrees on the juridical person doesn't enjoy the rights that accompany the natural person, because it does fit with his objective nature which is distance from the world of feelings and senses and soul according to the psychological make - up to both of them. But there are certain rights which are still distributable judicially and juristically including the right of the author right. Although modern legislation acknowledged as being production. because mind and thought, this is restrictive to the natural person.

References used

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الجسر محمد نديم– الشخصية المعنوية في الشركات التجارية – رسالة دكتوراه – الجامعة . اللبنانية كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية والإدارية - بيروت 1983
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