The role of the consumer protection association in creating awareness among consumers

Abstract in English

Appeared movements defending the rights of the consumer as a result of negligence and shortcomings in for consumer rights, which include protecting consumers from fraudulent practices and deception marketing and exploitation of its need for goods and services, and the damage and the risk of physical, moral, suffered by the consumer paid to the emergence of movements of consumer protection, came the movement to protect consumer to act as consumer awareness and protection from fraud and deception and neglect catalog. And represents a consumer protection associations social action organized by the consumer, in order to embody the right to listen to these consumers, and ensure the recovery of their rights that have been damage by the other parties (producers, marketers, distributors) in the process of exchange, causing them to lack of satisfaction to their needs and desires. Was reached by searching mainly to the existence of fundamental differences with significant between the demographic variables of the sample and the process of creating awareness among consumers. As to reach a significant influence statistically significant between the role of consumer protection association and the process of creating awareness among consumers.

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