Frequencyof ABO Blood Groups and Other Blood Systemsin Syria

Abstract in English

Blood groups are of greatclinical importancein blood transfusion and in tissue transplantation. In fact,the discovery ofthe ABOsystemwas oneof the most importantfactors in making the practice ofblood transfusion possible.The person`sABO bloodtypeis usedin paternity suits,in forensic science andin thestudy ofdifferent populations. To provide accurate anddocumented information about the frequency ofABO and Rh Dblood groups in oursocietyand to identifythe frequency of the most important otherblood systems :Rh, K, Duffy, Kidd.

References used

Dean L.The ABO blood group.Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens. National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2005:27-34
Daniels G, Bromilow I.The ABO blood groups.Essential guide to blood groups. Blackwell Publishing Ltd(UK);2007:20-32
Daniels G, Bromilow I. An introduction to blood groups. Essential guide to blood groups. Blackwell Publishing Ltd(UK);2007:1-6
