The Role of IMCI Program in the Assessment and Management in Children from 2 Months to 5 Years

Abstract in English

The rationalization of antibiotics use remains a priority in public health especially in pediatrics . the aim of the study was to evaluate the role of IMCI program in the assessment and management in children from 2 months to 5 years in out patient department.

References used

W.H.O Global Stategy for containement of antimicrobial resistance. Geneva. Word Health Organization, 2001. Document WHO/CDS/CSA/DRS/2001-2
Cohen R. Crieteres de choix rationnel des antibiotiques pour le traitement des infections bacteriennes en pédiatrie. Réalites pediatriques No 106. Decembre 2005, 11-18
Hand book IMCI: Integrated management of child hood illness. Geneva. Word Health Organization, Departement of child and adolescent Health and development (CAH). WHO/FCH/CAH/OO.12 April 2000
