Myelomeningoceles and How to Reduce their Incidence

Abstract in English

Myelomeningoceles are very common anamoly in our country. Mostly it ends with permanent damage and handicap. Lot of these children die due to meningitis as a complication. It still till now a large number of children with myelo meningoceles seek medical care in pediatric hospital and other health centers. So, we must know the reasons and the predisposing factors for the myelomeningoceles to reduce their incidence.

References used

Menkes JH, Sarnat HB: Malformations of the Central Nervous System. Child Neurology 2000; 2: 305-441
Sadler, TW. Langman's Medical Embryology. Williams Wilkins, Philadelphia 1990. P.352
Copp AJ: Neurulation in the cranial region-normal and abnormal. J Anat 2005 Nov; 207 (5): 623-35
