Continuous Caudal Block: Role of Analgesia in Pediatric

Abstract in English

Alleviating pain in children is one of the most exciting and rewarding of professional activities . pediatric regional anesthesia is receiving its deserved attention as an excellent technique for a balanced intraoperative anesthesia as well as postoperative analgesia . Continuous caudal block provides adequate duration of analgesia, not only for lower limb and lower abdominal surgeries, but also for upper abdominal and thoracic surgery , conserving the haemodynamic stability .

References used

Claude saint-Maurice , Ottheinz Schulte Steinberg :Anesthesie loco regionale en Pediatrie, Arnette 1990 , p: 88,84,85,92,88,94
Yves MEYMAT , Marc Dubrruil , Anssthesie et Pediatrie , Phase5,Janssen-CILAG SA 1993,p:104
Editorial Assistance – Astra Zeneca : Guide d,anesthesia regionale , 2001 , p: 9,11
