The Complementarity of the Sector and Regional planning and its Role in Forming Completely Economic System in the Administrative Area. Case-Study: AI Bared River Area at AI Ghab Region

Abstract in English

The care of the world countries States are giving than attention, especially, developing, states to increases of the issue of planning for realizing that achieving the aims of shifting to a better life must have a relation with the correct planning. The concept of planning has become part of Socio-economic life, and has become a development factor and an approach for the economy, because it is an organized scientific approach for optimal investment of human and natural resources in a comprehensive integration and coordination. The economic - administrative province in this contemporary stage of making up local administration field is considered,an important cycle in provincial planning, where the functional interference is clearly shown in place among the leading planning council (high planning council) the ministries (central authoraties) and the local organizations (local purposeful integrated provincial plan to form integrated spatial economic Systems according to the available human and natural resources to achieve optimal Socio- economic activities. It is shown clearly in the typical economic organization of AL-Bared River area in AI- Gab Region.

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