Science and the Contemporary Western Society Crisis (Habermas' Model)

Abstract in English

This research tries to analyze the political and external criticism of science and its achievements according to Habermas. Moreover, it tries to deal with the negative results of science in our contemporary human lives, especially its disability to achieve the goals of justice, freedom and equality. Not only has science helped man to control nature, but it also has become a tool to economically and politically enslave man and control him. The research also tries to analyze Habermas' project which calls for criticizing positivist sciences and exploring the possibility of establishing new sciences based on communicating with others and understanding them to replace the current materialistic, instrumental and monodimensional sciences. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the existing sciences which have changed man from an end to means in order to achieve as much benefit as possible, which has turned his mind, morals and freedom into a product.

References used

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