The meaning of the Philosophical System (System: Problems and Characteristics)

Abstract in English

This research aims to show the meaning of "the philosophical system" and the recognition its structure, and explaining it. Because of the scarcity of such studies, especially in Arabic, beside the unavailability of the references related to the subject, we are going to study the theoretical problem about the concept of "system" in the Arabic thought, and to distinguish between the "system" and the "doctrine", trying to define the "philosophical system" and to clarify it's characters.

References used

إبراهيم، زكريا: مشكلة الفلسفة، مكتبة مصر، 1971
برقاوي، أحمد: العرب وعودة الفلسفة، دمشق، 2000
بنعبد العالي، عبد السلام: الميتافيزيقا، العلم والأيديولوجيا، دار الطليعة: . بيروت، ط2 1993
