The Stereotypical Image of Security Apparatuses in the Consciences of the Arab Citizen

Abstract in English

The Current Security of the Arab countries is despondent, as it is engulfed in a vicious circle of instability and lack of security. Fears of loss of coexistence, social peace and internal security are renewed every day. Security is a social demand that guarantees individual. A and social personality enrichment, integration, and blossom its potential. The relationship between people and their security on the one hand, and those responsible for security on the other hand, acquires paramount importance for both parties. But the irony is that for most people the mere mentioning of security or the security apparatuses provokes a state of fear and anxiety. What is the secret behind that? How should we understand the reality of the problematic relationship between people and the security apparatuses? How to understand that while the security apparatuses are the tools for providing security to the people, at the same time are a source of their apprehension. The study attempts to understand the problematic relationship between public and the security institution, and to employ this understanding to think about the elements of a possible perception for building bridges of trust between the people and the security apparatuses. The method of the study will be based on description and analysis in the context of the historical dimension of the relationship between people and security apparatuses. The study will also rely on the content analysis of some texts and art forms that reflect this relationship, in order to identify the image of the security man in the social imagination, as well as the explanatory value of this image as to the nature of people's relationship with the security apparatuses.

References used

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أحمد شفيق السكري: قاموس الخدمة الاجتماعية، دار المعرفة الجامعية، القاهرة .2000
حيدر حيدر: الفهد (رواية)، وزارة الثقافة، دمشق 2004
