The effect of Islamic miniatures in paintings of Picasso

Abstract in English

Research sheds light on some artistic effects of Islamic miniatures in some paintings of the artist Pablo Picasso, by tracking aspects of these effects through phases of his artistic experience, the start of the Blue Period, through the pink stage, then phase of cubism, then phases abstract and classic almost concurrent, then Surrealism stage. Was standing when these effects through stand at five aspects: Expressionist oriented, terminological oriented, mental-oriented, objective-oriented, and oriented plastic. The search had reached a number of conclusions and recommendations, the most important Islamic aesthetic portability in painting for inspiration in contemporary painting experiments.

References used

باونيس، آلان، الفن الأوروبي الحديث، ت: فخري . خليل، دار المأمون، بغداد 1990
Carsten-Peter Warncke, Pablo Picasso 1881-1973, Taschen, Part 1
Elke Buchholz, Beate Zimmermann, Pablo Picasso, Sa vie et son oeuvre
