The problematic of the non-objective (Geometrical Equal) in the lyrical abstractionism of Kandinsky

Abstract in English

The contemporary abstract art was one of the artistic trends which tried to destroy the reality form to get into the substance and inner content. It represented non-objective art. Following this trend the lyrical abstractionism of Kandinsky emerged. Kandinsky attended to the color more than the form, and he called his art the internal necessity art. Critics named this art a non-figurative or non-objective art and it became one of phenomena of the plastic art in the beginning of the twentieth century. And this is in line with the concept of abstractionism, which is non-figurative and non-representative. Kandinsky arrived at painting by color only approaching the rank of musical melody systems.

References used

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بهنسي، عفيف، الفن في أوروبا من عصر النهضة حتى اليوم، دار الرائد اللبناني، (بيروت، 1982 م).
شموط، عز الدين، نقد الفن التجريدي، كنعان للدراسات والنشر، (دمشق، 1998 م).
