Study of the Corrosion which Occurs in the Boilers Pipes and Heat transferring Units, in AL – DEPS Company

Abstract in English

When we visited the United Arab Company for Spinning and Weaving In the capital, Damascus, we found a lot of problems in the units of feeding steam, and the most prominent of these problems occur corrosion in the pipe of steam boilers, And the collapse in the heat exchanger on the thread dyeing machine (the collapse of the body and pipes), so we took a group of samples in the places that suffer problems in order to determine the mechanical and chemical properties, we found through analysis that the boiler tubes were made of carbon steel, while the tubes and the body of heat exchanger was made of stainless steel, has been shown through research that pipe boilers of carbon steel suffers of problems as a result overheating, hydrogen damage and an attack Oxide, And the body of heat exchanger was suffering from an corrosion Cracking result of the high proportion of chromium in it (chromium ratio up to 17%), has been developing a set of solutions represented to be the metal surfaces clean and homogeneous, and must be feed water free of salts, suspended solids, and gases

References used

Talbot, D., and Talbot, J. (1998) “Corrosion Science and Technology”, Materials Science and Technology, CRC Pres
Davis, G.D., Dacres, C.M., and Shook, M.B. (1998) “Development of an electrochemistry-based corrosion sensor to monitor corrosion of boiler tubes, pipes, and painted structures”, Proceedings of SPIE, 3398, pp. 92-101
Ahmad, Z. (2006) “Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control”, Boiler Corrosion, Chapter 11, pp.576-608
