The Art of "Antithesis" in the Art of Signatures

Abstract in English

I admired the charm of "Signatures", their richness of vocabulary, construction, perfection and musical fusion .Each word is tightly connected to the other within an accurate literary form. And these might be a consequence of the characteristics of this prose art and its being a product of persons who have many contributions in consolidating the pillars of the Islamic state, and its present and future . The Importance of this research comes from addressing one of these rhetorical arts (Antithesis) which are heavily present in "Signatures". It is clear that using (Antithesis) had special importance built on the personal experience, the aesthetic sense and the psychological effect, it is not only a mere articular decoration or playing on words .

References used

الإيضاح في علوم البلاغة للخطيب القزويني، دار الكتب العلمية، بيروت- لبنان, تاريخ بلا.
البديع في شعر شوقي، د. منير سلطان، منشأة المعارف، الإسكندرية، ط 2 1992 م، تاريخ بلا.
بديع القرآن لابن أبي الإصبع المصري، تقديم حنفي محمد شرف- دار نهضة مصر.
