The Quality In Arabic Heritage: Skill of Teaching Handwriting

Abstract in English

The quality was not the creation of this new era, its roots date back to the old Arab scholars. They have studied it in-depth in their scientific publications, the poets were sitting and competing with each other in Makkah's markets to choose the best poetry, through a committee of quality experts who judge their poetry. The meanings –which have the topic of composition and its rules- having a great deal of quality. Al- Jurjani had studied and treated this topic exhaustively, when he criticized Al-Jahiz who were interested in the literal meaning which has no value unless it has a noble meanings. Add to that, the Arabic script has a big merit in the language, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (S.W.T). Said: ﴾Nun By the pen And by the record which (men) write1﴿ Allah S.W.T. has oath in the pen, because it has a big honor, and the person who writes well occupy a high place in the nation. The reliable writer is close to the Sultan in most things if not all of them. In view of the punctuation marks which have a big importance in the language, to know the devision and connecting of the speech, and also the beginning and the end of it, the quality standard had been taking into consideration in all of the above matters, and obtained an elaborated study in old times of Arabs.

References used

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