Effect Of Nursing Care On Breast Cancer Patient's quality Of life At Homes

Abstract in English

In spite of all the advances in health care and medical technology, provision of quality health care to cancer patients remains one of the major challenges that health care professionals have to face in the next years. this study was conducted to assess the effect of nursing care on breast cancer patients quality of life at homes. by using quazi-experimental design 80 breast cancer patients were selected (40 experimental group ,40 control group) receiving chemotherapy recently. Experimental group patients received supportive psycho-educational interventions consisted of education, progressive muscle relaxation technique with four supportive range of motion exercises in addition to emotional support for three months. While control group patients received routine nursing care in hospital. The results were assessed for both groups by using European organization for cancer research and treatment quality of life questionnaire (EOCRT-QLQ C30) and breast cancer module.

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