the level of decision-making skills and its relationship to the level of habilitation and educate managers Riyadh own in the city f Homs

Abstract in English

The research aims to identify the level of decision-making skills of managers of special kindergartens in the province of Homs . Defines habilitation and culture prevailing patterns of directors of special kindergartens. And defines the relationship between the decision-making skills of managers special kindergartens, and between habilitation and culture prevailing in Riyadh institutions. And know the differences between the averages of the answers sample individuals to identify decision-making skills and patterns of habilitation and culture depending on the variables of research: (qualification, training courses). The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method, and used to identify decision-making skills, and identifying patterns of habilitation and culture. Included sample(82), director of special kindergarten.

References used

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