Study of some physical and chemical parameters of the Addelbeh Valley water and groundwater in the area of Tartous Cement Factory

Abstract in English

This research was performed to study the effect of sewage water on the surface water of the Addelbeh Valley stream, and groundwater on both sides of the stream in Tartous Cement Factory area. Water samples were taken from the factory water outlet and Addelbeh Valley water to study the content of pollutants. We also took groundwater samples from selected wells on both sides of the waterway in the studied area. We repeated that process every two months for a full hydrological cycle from July 2013 to May 2014. We found a great increase in content of the industrial drainage water include oils and heavy metals especially iron, copper and zinc. For example: iron concentration in sewage water exceeded 150 mg/l in all samples. Besides sewage water and stream water contained high concentrations of ammonia and nitrite versus low concentration of nitrate, unlike water wells samples. The study revealed increased EC and salts concentration markedly in wells water due to its adjacency to the sea.

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