Analysis of some Vitamins in some Food Products by Using High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method HPLC

Abstract in English

spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods was used for determination of five water-soluble vitamins, including : Thiamine HCl (B1), Ascorbic acid (VC), Niacinamide (PP), Cyanocobalamin (B12), Riboflavin (B2) in this research. The conditions of chromatographic separation were reached to the vitamins with good resolution.

References used

Combs, Jr., 2008- The vitamins: fundamental aspects in nutrition and health. Elsevier Academic Press, 3rd ed. USA, 603p
BALL, G.F.M., 2006- Vitamins in foods: analysis, bioavailability, and stability. Taylor & Francis, USA, 814p
FENNEMA, O.R., 1996- Food Chemistry. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 3rd ed. USA, 1262p
