Images of domestic violence against women as reflected in TV drama In Syrian satellite channels during the holy month of Ramadan 2012 A field study on a sample of students in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Tishreen University

Abstract in English

We can notice nowadays that globalization, with its own variety of means, has worked and is still working to spread chaos and violence and to destroy affiliation through its project oriented against women, youth and childhood. Globalization is trying to uproot their identity and affiliations and subordinate them to the market economy that disregards the sense of nationalism and replace it with a bank account and credit card number. It also works to objectify our humanity and change it into a commodity to change the individual into a domesticated human being in rigid molds, wasting his/her existence and transforming them into a tool. The image of female body is no more than an advertising tool, used for the promotion of various merchandise through focusing on the instinctive sexual aspects. This transforms women into a myth with multiple connotations (distraction and "breastfeeding" entertainment, violence and delinquency, excitement of physical desires, etc). Has TV drama on Syrian TV satellite channels contributed to the promotion of this image? Or has it worked to change this image and reduce the phenomenon of domestic violence actually practised? What are the recommendations and suggestions that can enrich this research and provide solutions regarding the phenomenon of domestic violence against women in our society? .

References used

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