Circular imagery in Al-Hazlyyen poetry

Abstract in English

This research studies a new method of analogy that AI-Hazly had used in his poetry, the circular imagery. It also studies the effect of this method and its role in communicating the minute details of meaning with the listener and acknowledges AI-Hazly's skill in composing this method, to communicate with the reader the poet's sensations and life experience.

References used

ابراهيم, اياد عبد المجيد: البناء الفني في شعر الهذلين دراسة تحليلية, ط1, دار الشؤون الثقافية العامة, بغداد, 2000م.
المنصوري, جريدي سليم, مشهد النحل في شعر الهذليين, مجلة كلية اللغة العربية بالقاهرة, ع21, 2003م.
