Social Factors Lying Behind The Decline of Educational Achievement A Field Study on The Students of The First Phase of The Basic Education Stage in Lattakia City

Abstract in English

The research tries to define the most important social factors which contribute to the decline of educational achievement in the schools of the first phase of the basic education stage. These factors have been clarified through a theoretical study and a field study that was conducted in Lattakia city in the academic year (2011-2012). The theoretical study includes an explanation of the concept of social upbringing of the children, and the educational role that the family plays in the student’s life via the surrounding environment, and the methods of upbringing. The research also shows the importance of social relations at school between the teacher and students, the relation among friends at school in general and the influence of these relations on the students’ achievement. It yielded many results as to the social factors which contribute to the decline of educational achievement, the most prominent of which are: the low social level of the family; separation within the family; incorrect methods of upbringing; the negative effect of the television; abnormal relations with the friends; the passive character of some teachers.

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