The role of measurement of IgE in blood of umbilical cord in predicting allergic diseases in children

Abstract in English

The study included 143 children from 214 newborn with high umbilical cord blood IgE (UC – IgE) at birth: more than 0.5 international unit per ml. We followed up these children from birth for 8 years. We found positive atopic familial history by 51.7 % from study samples, against negative history by 48.3% . During control duration atopic diseases were developed by 76.22 % of children with high UC – IgE, against 23.8 % without atopic diseases. These children with atopic different disorders suffered from allergic rhinitis 19.6 % , allergic skin disorders (eczema, urticaria) 25.2 % and asthma 31.5% . The rate of atopic diseases development was 51.7% in children with high UC-IgE, and positive history together, while only 24.5 % in children with high UC-IgE with negative familial history.

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