Dialogue In the stories of the pre- Islamic Poetry of Hothaliyen

Abstract in English

This research tackles the phenomenon of dialogue in Alhothaliyen stories presenting reasons for studying it, then it defines a dialogue linguistically and idiomatically.It also highlights its purpose, its relationship to the pillars of the creative process, and methods in the old rhetorical Arab heritage and modern criticism. The body of this research is an applied study of the types of dialogue in lamentation, flirtation and blame stories, and methods of composing poetry such as (command and negation, interrogation, question and answer. The research concludes that the methods for composing a dialogue (switching, conditional, and compositional styles) added a poetic feature to the text and a realistic dimension to the event, and revealed the poet's emotions and his psychological approach toward the event. Surrender to the actions/deeds of time is one of the most prominent targets revealed by lamentation and flirtation in a dialogue, as there is no point in blaming time

References used

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