Customer confidence in the website and its role in improving the marketing databases

Abstract in English

This research deals the concept of customer's trust on the website. Through the link at the initiative client and its contribution to improving the marketing data- base. in order to ensure the flow of a modern and fast data and information from various sources, and makes the customer's trust in website a strategic goal ensures to organization the existence of data-bases constantly updated and valid to take a decisions more effective and rational, and the building of acts marketing more effective and memorable. The study concluded a series of important results are as follows: The existence of a statistically significant relationship between the customer's trust with website and the degree of contribution of the customer to improve the marketing data-bases. the independent variables consisting of the customer's trust with website (a sense of security in electronic transactions, privacy on the Website, Website design) combined 95% of the variance of the dependent variable on the customer's contribution to improve the marketing data-bases.

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