Study of Cathodic protection of crude oil pipelines

Abstract in English

In this research study the effect of the type of corrosion protection, on the rates of Carbon Steel samples from the same metal tube oil buried in soil and comparing between corrosion rates of samples steel non protected and corrosion rates protected samples in different protections ways, protection paint epoxy, protection paint epoxy and polyethylene and Cathodic protection by sacrifice anode (Zinc was chosen as anode sacrifice) and Cathodic protection impressed current. The samples protected and non-protected study's in the middle of corrosion of two sites of Homs soil (soil city of Homs –soil of Furqlus area) In each soil alone and the statement of the effectiveness of the Cathodic protection in increase the protection and then the comparison between the two Cathodic protection to reduce the corrosion rate was also study the effect of humidity and time on the corrosion samples steel is protected and samples steel Cathodic protected rates by anode sacrifice and was finally comparison between rates corrosion between the signatories studied soils (soil city of Homs - soil of Furqlus area) and whichever is more aggressive and study the factors that have made the soil more Furqlus hostile soil of the city of Homs, prompting us to both soils analysis and study results.

References used

Michied p.H. Brongers,Corrosion control and prevention ,CC Technologies Laboratories,Inc,Dublin,Ohio,2000,pp.10-25
Frankel G. S., "Corrosion Science in 21st Century", Journal of Corrosion science and Engineering,Vol 6,2003,pp.1-15
API specification 5L forty – second edition , January 2000
