Abstract in English

The term greatness was taken on multiple meanings, and different ways. However in the Islamic Arab thought, which Al-Motanabby belongs to this concept was based on an essential point which is perfection. In other words, perfection is the core of greatness and the most important feature in it is glory. In Al-Motanabby's poetry, greatness was manifested in this sense, and included many elements of existence, but the clearest and most important image was the one of the great man. Therefore, we focus, in this study, on human greatness through two images: First, the great self, the image of Al-Motanabby him self. Second, the great hero, the image of Sayf-Aldawlah the ideal savior Arab hero . And as great is associated with beautiful for Al-Motanabby, so we clarified his understanding of this kind of beauty, to discover that it was from spiritual or mental word, and not from material one

References used

المتنبي، أبو الطيب، مبروك المناعي، دار اليمامة للنشر والتوزيع، تونس، ط 3 . 1992
الغزالي، أبو حامد إحياء علوم الدين، دار المعرفة، بيروت- دون تا .
الفارابي، آراء أهل المدينة الفاضلة، مطبعة التقدم بمصر، ط2 1907
