Personality Types of Damascus University Students according tot The Riso–Hadson Scale (The Enneagram System)

Abstract in English

This study aims to recognize the personality types among Damascus University students according to the riso – Hadson (the Enneagram System). To achieve this goal, the researcher applied the Riso - Hadson Scale which was prepared by the researcher on the Syrian Universities students, on a sample of (400) male and female students from Damascus University students. The results of the study showed the following. The basic personality types of the two faculties. (the Faculty of science anch the faculty of Education) wan that of the achieve ment personal type. The second type wan of the competitive type. This means that the tendency to achieves canpete and fulfil aims ane the qualities that students scam to embocly. Based an these fin clings, the researcher suggests conducting similar stuclies on other people who be tang to different categories of the society.

References used

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Dameyer, Josie Jarrot (2001). Psychometric evaluation of the Riso Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator. PHD ,California Institute of integral studies ,DVR.USA
